Viewing posts by: Alaina Kaczmarski

My Spring Capsule Wardrobe

I’ve been a big fan of having a wardrobe “uniform” for a few years now. What do I mean by that? Basically I wear the same outfits and items on repeat day in and day out. A lot of people refer to this as a Capsule Wardrobe. I don’t follow all of the guidelines of a technical capsule wardrobe–I think…

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Q&A: How to Hire a Nanny

Back in November I posted on stories asking you for your questions about hiring a nanny, and there were a lot of them! I know the process is beyond overwhelming. Finding someone special to care for your most important person in the world. Lofty task. We first started talking about and looking up child care options when I was about…

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Essentials for Nanny

Reader Q&A: Transitioning to 2 Kids (Under 2)

Happy Friday Everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day actually…! This took me a while to get through, as you’ll see, it’s way too much information from me answering the questions you had about life with two under two (and the decision to have an elected second c-section!). I’m not going to promise all of it’s helpful. I’m not going to promise it…

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The Kitchen Trend I Am So Excited to See is Back

Hi, world! It’s me! For those of you who started following me in the last five or six years, you probably know this to be a personal blog where I cover lifestyle topics that largely pertain to, well, me. What I registered for, home decor projects I’m working on, my style, my family, my dogs. But back in the day,…

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