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Our Roof Deck Reveal with CB2

At long last…. drum roll please… the full reveal of our Chicago roof deck escape! Why did this take so long, you ask? A few reasons: cranky plants. Pregnant me. Rainy June. Behold what you see here is actually round two of a few of the planters, but we’ve even been struggling with these too despite getting what the landscaping store…

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Our To Do List Before Baby #2

Thank you to Chase Freedom Unlimited for collaborating with me on this post! All opinions are my own.* And thank you again for all your excitement surrounding baby #2! We are elated and excited and starting to prepare mentally and physically for life with these two lil boys. As you can see from the photo above – ie Baby #2’s…

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Our 4th of July Front Porch Decor

The finishing touch to our front porch arrived… a pair of sustainably sourced wooden nesting tables from Pottery Barn (currently on sale for a little over $100 each)! They’re the perfect size plus they’re part of the brand’s eco-friendly line… Sustainably sourced products are created with sustainable, recycled, or reclaimed materials. 79% of PB’s outdoor collections are made of wood…

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