As you all know, I’ve been talking about how we’d be moving for quite some time, and now that we have our move date actually booked, I figured it’s safe to tell you… we are moving!
However, it’s happening next month. In the middle of a global pandemic.
We have loved our condo but with baby #2 joining our family a little sooner than we had originally planned, we really wanted to settle into a long-term single family home closer to family and have things like a fourth bedroom for guests and an office, a basement, and a yard. I’m going to have a longer commute to work but that’s ok. The benefits greatly outweighed any negatives.
To fully explain how we got here… we actually sold our current home back in January. Getting the house listing-ready and doing a showing w/ two babies and a dog wasn’t the easiest task but we made it happen. We had listed it on a private network back when we thought we were going to be buying the house I shared last week. We received an offer on our place hours after learning we did not get the other house so our options were to take what was a great offer and plan on finding a home, or turn it down and do the whole thing again. No surprise, we took the offer. We wanted to be out by summer anyway and the buyers agreed to a flexible close date of “on or before the end of May 2020.” Which gave us four months to find a home. We were confident we could do it.
But then coronavirus hit. And now it’s April. Which means next month we are moving during a global pandemic. 🙁
My mind immediately went into panic mode but our realtor assured us real estate is still an essential industry and all facets of it are operating including movers, inspections, appraisals, even virtual showings.
It’s hard to put into words how I can be so excited and so anxious about something at the same time.
I’m so excited for the home we found and being closer to family and having a backyard. We know this is the right decision for our family.
Of course I’m also extremely nervous orchestrating a move that will keep everyone involved safe–the boys, the movers, Dan and myself. I am trying to plan out every detail of how we can get things packaged and moved safely to minimize contact. My head is spinning. Lists are growing. I’ll spare you all of the details until after it happens because who knows how it will eventually go down.
A few months ago, we had no way of knowing the rapid changes and challenges the world would be facing now, and instead of questioning it, we moved forward as this was a great opportunity for our family. Somehow we are going to make it happen, and I appreciate all of your support and kindness you’ve shown our family over the years.

I’ll share more details about the house, more photos, and some plans I have for it soon. At the very least they’ll hopefully serve as a distraction from all of the frightening and devastating headlines and news alerts.
Stay safe everyone.
Congrats, so excited for you! We are moving to the suburbs of Chicago next week with two little boys and I’d love to know what your plans are for safe, minimal contact!!!
Congrats! I just moved from St. Louis to Maryland at the end of March and had no problems! Everything went so smoothly, but i was a ball of anxiety leading it up to us since I kept watching all the states we had to pass through go to shelter in place. But roads were open and my movers on both ends were able to help so I think you’re going to be fine! I just made sure to stay away from the movers and disinfected EVERYTHING they touched (just boxes and furniture, etc). It’s been 2 weeks and so far so good! Good luck!!
Congrats! I definitely know what that’s like. I’m in the process of leasing a new build apartment, based purely off a floor plan,for July occupancy and it is definitely a nerve-wracking process. I would love to hear how you will be managing the move.
Our son and daughter in law just moved into a new house on 3/27 here in California during a hard lockdown. He has a 2 yr old and another on the way. The biggest hurdle was the movers – so they wiped major pieces down carefully and are slow opening the rest of the boxes. The hard part is that they had to do it alone without grandparents to help and babysit because they want to keep us safe. It’s do-able though – congratulations and all the best in your new home! Someday this will be a family story for your kids ?
Congrats! I so feel this post. My family and I are moving this Saturday and it’s been very stressful but also has kept us busy during this time. You can order boxes online (always get more than you think) and moving companies are still operating at least here in Sacramento. Our realtor has Been awesome and so helpful. In the end it will work out. Stay safe!
Congratulations!! So excited for you and your family. We are moving cross country in few weeks with two little girl and I’d love get some tips/insight form your experience. Can’t wait to see pictures soon!!
Congrats! Very exciting and stressful time. We are moving to the Chicago suburbs on Monday! Terrible timing on our part but not much you can do at this point. Good luck with your move & excited to follow along!
Congratulations! I’m so glad you all found a home and thank goodness for flexible buyers. I’m a realtor in Virginia and I have buyers and sellers that are also nervous about their moves. I hope everything goes well. If I pick up any safety tips I’ll pass them on. Good luck and can’t wait to see pics/mockups.
Yayay! Congrats! I can’t wait to watch your gorgeous plans unfold – living vicariously through you from Michigan! ?
Congrats!! I would love to hear more about the private networks you used to sell and purchase your new home. We are looking sell our condo in the city and move to the Chicago suburbs as well. Any advice or tips to finding the best realator and access to the private networks would really help! Your post could not be more inspiring then now!
Congratulations on your new home! I hope you all so happy in your new home.i hope you do a tour of it for us. You’re going to make our old place look incredible. Take care yourself and your family.